Being green is not only for you and the environment, but also for our furry friends too!  I have an English Bulldog and I spoil her like crazy.  She gets the best of the best.  Holistic food and treats. Comfy bed and love love love.  So why wouldn't I give her the best in fur-care.  I am a hair stylist for goodness sakes.  Well I don't know how many of you price shampoo for doggies, but it's crazy.  I decided to google around for homeade recipes that would leave my poochie clean, fresh, and smelling great.  I did find one in general that I like and works great. Even takes care of fleas.  Her coat is shiny and smooth.  The white on her is bright and she smells fantastic for days.   The recipe follows:

Equal parts Dial soap and white vinegar.  That's it.  Put in an old shampoo bottle or container of choice and use as needed.  This doesn't lather very much but she is clean and happy.

My only complaint is that the soap contains Sodium Laural Sulfate (product added to create lather) and I am TOTALLY against that.  I would LOVE to find a substitue for that but one that works in the same fashion.  If any of you have ideas for me please let me know and I'll give it a try.

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    About Me

    This is an ongoing view of  how one persons' change can make a difference.  I want to be a positive influence on all those around me so that they may pay it forward and so on.  I want to find a new me everyday!  Will you come on my journey with me and discover A NEW YOU too?


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