Ok.  So a smile might just be a little nothing to some, but to me it's the ultimate accessory.  You just can't be upset with a smile on your face.  You can fake it, but just try keeping a smile on your face without being in a good mood.  It just can't be done and shouldn't.  For many days I have been walking back and forth to work everyday.  I get my mp3 player booted up and set off on my destination.  Some days I am tired and worn out or maybe I had a bad day and have to walk with a poor attitude.  I noticed all the people passing by me in their cars as I walked on and noticed that I would get weird looks from them.  I couldn't understand why they would look at me this way.  I didn't even know them and definately never did anything to them to warrant such rude looky loos.  Then it occured to me that my sour face was the problem.  From that day on I made a point to keep a smile on my face.  It takes much less mucles to form a smile than a frown anyway.  I smile all day at work why wouldn't I just keep it up on my walks.  So I did!  And guess what?????  It totally worked.  I did still get slightly off looks from some, but probably because I DID have a smile on my face and they might have wondered why I was sooooooo happy.  (It was very hot for the last few days and my wardrobe it mainly black!)  With others that I passed on foot or by bike, I noticed that they weren't smiling until we came into closer contact.  My good mood and smile then transfered to their face and being.   This made me very happy with myself.  It also make my walks more enjoyable and seem much shorter than before.  I was able to really enjoy the neighborhood and my surroundings.  I look forward to my walks now and am sad when I have to drive.  So, I urge all of you to be contagious with your smile.  Give it to everyone.    A smile is the cheapest and best gift you can give to anyone and everyone.  I hope we all catch one!!!!  Have a great day!  Thank you for all your future efforts.

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    About Me

    This is an ongoing view of  how one persons' change can make a difference.  I want to be a positive influence on all those around me so that they may pay it forward and so on.  I want to find a new me everyday!  Will you come on my journey with me and discover A NEW YOU too?


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